Beeronomics 2024
19-22 June, Milan
Welcome to Beeronomics 2024 Milan
The Beeronomics Society and the Scientific Committee welcomes you to the VIII Beeronomics Conference.
The 2024 Conference is hosted by the University of Milano-Bicocca.
The Organizing Committee welcomes all research papers of high quality related to the economics of beer and brewing. The conference will cover a wide array of topics including the economics of production, international and regional trade, industrial organization, industrial dynamics, marketing and branding, consumption and health, consumer preferences, economic history, law and regulation, innovation and regional and international patterns of anything beer, amongst others.
The local organizers are members of the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) of the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Important Deadlines
25 February 2024: Abstract submission The submission deadline has been extended until FRIDAY 8 MARCH 2024
10 March 2024: Decision on acceptance/rejection of submitted abstracts
21 April 2024: Registration deadline
31 May 2024: Submission of full paper
Time and Place
The conference will take place on June 19-22, 2024 at University of Milano-Bicocca, building U7.
Address: piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milan, Italy.
Beeronomics Society
The Beeronomics Society aims to provide a platform for academics, practitioners and researchers investigating trends and driving forces in the production, consumption and distribution of beer at a regional, national and global level. It actively promotes multidisciplinary research and analysis in a wide range of beer-related fields such as:
Trend and driving forces governing beer demand and supply (e.g. new markets, transportation systems and technological developments); globalization processes affecting the international beer market (e.g. mergers and acquisitions, macroeconomics and exchange rate costs); mechanisms affecting the markets for inputs (e.g. malting barley and hops); aspects related to beer advertising, marketing, and brand management; issues associated with beer pricing strategies, price transmission and supply chain management; and challenges related to sustainability within the industry in different countries.
The Beeronomics Society organizes academic and scientific events on regular basis. The objective of these events is to provide an ideal forum for high-quality interdisciplinary research related to beer and brewing activities. Research and studies presented in these occasions cover a number of topics from the field of economics, law, policy, marketing and consumption, industrial organisations, innovation management, health and well-being and others.
For more information, look at: http://www.beeronomics.org/